"Despite the huge number of the most wonderful Russian films this year (and these are, at a minimum," North Wind "," Parquet "," The Last "Dear Bulgaria", "Medea", "Asphalt Sun", "Life Extension", " Rapan"), I would have grimaced if I had compiled any other list. 2021 will go down in history not only in domestic but also in world cinema with the meteoric rise of Vadim Kostrov's comet, whose films were shown all over the world. You can’t even name him already young or "novice" director, his filmography is so wealthy, diverse and grandiose. Kostrov entered the cinema as if he himself and his story were a house in which Vadim had his own residence for a long time. He exists in the space of dialogue with Tarkovsky, Sokurov, Benning, Dorsky, Yukhananov, Warhol, while remaining an exceptionally original, independent director. All his films are very different. Bravo to Evgeny Meisel, who showed me a musical trilogy (one can only wonder how it remained outside the interests of festivals specializing in music docks), which I lived all this year and which gave me so much strength. In this trilogy, Kostrov shoots a small private initiative - the Narodnaya Gallery, which brought together young people - as his own "Factory", like Andy Warhol, finding the rarest, amazing feeling of meaning in life with the help of his camera and showing what crushing effects a simple the fact of collective action, finding people together, where even a party turns almost into a ritual, religious action. Kostrov created his own universe, to which we return in his films that communicate with each other (something similar was with Pedro Costa). He is like an architect who lives in Tagil, in Nizhny, and above him builds a magical dome, Heavenly Tagil. It is a rare happiness to see with my own eyes the development of such a great director». https://kinoart.ru/texts/luchshie-rossiyskie-filmy-2021-goda-opros-iskusstva-kino?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=luchshie-rossiyskie-filmy-2021-go!dolin