Mal De Mer news

Release of the film “Eyes of Otar" by Gleb Piryatinskiy

Release of the film “Eyes of Otar” by Gleb Piryatinskiy on the Vimeo channel Mal De Mer Films
It is a story of Otar Kushanashvili — renown Russian tv-host that at once loses his eye-sight and is forced to step out of his speeding life.

It is a story of regret and unrequited love ( of a fan to her idol). It is a story of the human's face without eye's, human's heart and the all-surrounding winter.

A dialogue between television and cinema, documentary and fiction, image and sound, time and stillness. It is a story of the demiurgic montage.Of the conspiracy and the surveillance.
2024-05-16 22:12